StarRocks Optimizer:Memo

Posted by danner on February 20, 2023

优化器的核心部分,但如果对标题中的Memo 概念不熟悉,建议多看几遍参考资料(理论知识看参考资料,这里只有流程解读)。



LOGICAL_JOIN {INNER JOIN, onPredicate = null , Predicate = null} 4
->  LOGICAL_JOIN {INNER JOIN, onPredicate = null , Predicate = null} 2
    ->  LogicalOlapScanOperator {table=0, selectedPartitionId=[], outputColumns=[1: t1], predicate=null, limit=-1}  0
    ->  LogicalOlapScanOperator {table=1, selectedPartitionId=[], outputColumns=[1: t1], predicate=null, limit=-1}  1
->  LogicalOlapScanOperator {table=2, selectedPartitionId=[], outputColumns=[1: t1], predicate=null, limit=-1} 3



// com.starrocks.sql.optimizer.Memo
public class Memo {
  private final List<Group> groups;
  private Group rootGroup;
  private final Map<GroupExpression, GroupExpression> groupExpressions;

用于记录优化器搜索过程中产生的各种备选的 Plan

  • rootGroup:根节点group,查询顶点
  • groups:存储所有 group
  • groupExpressions:Map结构,记录所有GroupExpression,有去重功能防止重复生成GroupExpression


// com.starrocks.sql.optimizer.Group
public class Group {
  private final List<GroupExpression> logicalExpressions;
  private final List<GroupExpression> physicalExpressions;
  private boolean isExplored;
  private Statistics statistics;
  private final Map<PhysicalPropertySet, Pair<Double, GroupExpression>> lowestCostExpressions;


  • logicalExpressions/physicalExpressions:逻辑/物理表达式,同个Group 下的表达式逻辑都相同

  • isExplored:是否已探索(尝试去应用规则来转换生成新的GroupExpression),只应用一次
    • ExploreGroupTask 会修改
  • lowestCostExpressions
    • 代表每一个 Group 中,满足 Required Property 下的最佳 Expression,并记录相应的 Cost
    • 生成最优物理计划时使用


// com.starrocks.sql.optimizer.GroupExpression
public class GroupExpression {  
  private final BitSet ruleMasks = new BitSet(RuleType.NUM_RULES.ordinal() + 1);
  private boolean statsDerived = false;
  private final Map<PhysicalPropertySet, Pair<Double, List<PhysicalPropertySet>>> lowestCostTable;

可以简单理解与OptExpression 相等

  • ruleMasks:记录当前Expression 已应用的rule,每个rule 在每个GroupExpression 只能应用一次;
    • OptimizeExpressionTask 收集rule 时, 会剔除已作用过的 rule
    • ApplyRuleTask 会修改值
  • statsDerivedStatistics 是否已生成,只会生成一次;
    • DeriveStatsTask 会设置
  • lowestCostTable
    • 代表每一个 GroupExpression 中,满足了 Required Property 条件的节点,它的子节点需要满足的 Required Properties


// com.starrocks.sql.optimizer.task.OptimizeExpressionTask
public class OptimizeExpressionTask extends OptimizerTask {
  private final boolean isExplore;

优化表达式任务,负责Exploration 和 Implementation 过程

  • isExplore: 是否在探索(GroupExpression 关系代数变换);=false 表示想计算cost 可以添加 Implementation Rule(to Physical)
    • OptimizeGroupTask: 调用 OptimizeExpressionTask 时,=false
    • ExploreGroupTask: 调用 OptimizeExpressionTask 时,=true


// com.starrocks.sql.optimizer.task.ExploreGroupTask
public class ExploreGroupTask extends OptimizerTask {
  public void execute() {
    if (group.isExplored()) {

    for (GroupExpression logical : group.getLogicalExpressions()) {
      pushTask(new OptimizeExpressionTask(context, logical, true));


Explore group logical transform => 调用 OptimizeExpressionTask,注意isExplore = true


// com.starrocks.sql.optimizer.task.DeriveStatsTask
public class DeriveStatsTask extends OptimizerTask {

获取 GroupExpression 的统计信息(Cost 计算需要)


// com.starrocks.sql.optimizer.task.OptimizeGroupTask
// Optimize a group within a given context.
public class OptimizeGroupTask extends OptimizerTask {
  public void execute() {
    // 1 Group Cost LB > Context Cost UB
    //      => 如果group最优cost > 当前已有cost,提前退出表示没有继续优化的意义
    // 2 Group has optimized given the context
    //      => group 内已有满足RequiredProperty 的groupExpression,无需优化
    if (group.getCostLowerBound() >= context.getUpperBoundCost() ||
        group.hasBestExpression(context.getRequiredProperty())) {

    for (int i = group.getLogicalExpressions().size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      pushTask(new OptimizeExpressionTask(context, group.getLogicalExpressions().get(i)));

    for (int i = group.getPhysicalExpressions().size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      pushTask((new EnforceAndCostTask(context, group.getPhysicalExpressions().get(i))));

优化Group,会递归调用(每次UpperBoundCost 都会变化),是优化任务的起点


// com.starrocks.sql.optimizer.task.ApplyRuleTask
public class ApplyRuleTask extends OptimizerTask {
  private final GroupExpression groupExpression;

将 Rule 应用到 Logical Plan 中,实现 Logical->Logical、Logical->Physical 的转换,
通过等价变换拓展每个 Group 的搜索空间(生成新的logical/physical)。


// com.starrocks.sql.optimizer.task.EnforceAndCostTask
public class EnforceAndCostTask extends OptimizerTask implements Cloneable {
  // localCost + sum of all InputCost entries.
  private double curTotalCost;
  // the local cost of the group expression
  private double localCost;
  // Current stage of enumeration through child groups
  // 当前要计算的child group index
  private int curChildIndex = -1;
  // Indicator of last child group that we waited for optimization
  // task压栈前要计算的childGroup index
  private int prevChildIndex = -1;

计算 Physical Plan Cost 的过程,如果某个 Expression 不满足Property,会 Enforce 出其他 Operator,例如 Broadcast、Shuffle、Sort 等算子


// com.starrocks.sql.optimizer.task.SeriallyTaskScheduler#executeTasks
private final Stack<OptimizerTask> tasks;

public void executeTasks(TaskContext context) {
  long timeout = context.getOptimizerContext().getSessionVariable().getOptimizerExecuteTimeout();
  Stopwatch watch = context.getOptimizerContext().getTraceInfo().getStopwatch();
  while (!tasks.empty()) {
    if (timeout > 0 && watch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) > timeout) {
      // Should have at least one valid plan
      // group will be null when in rewrite phase
      Group group = context.getOptimizerContext().getMemo().getRootGroup();
      if (group == null || !group.hasBestExpression(context.getRequiredProperty())) {
        throw new StarRocksPlannerException("StarRocks planner use long time " + timeout +
                                            " ms in " + (group == null ? "logical" : "memo") + " phase, This probably because " +
                                            "1. FE Full GC, " +
                                            "2. Hive external table fetch metadata took a long time, " +
                                            "3. The SQL is very complex. " +
                                            "You could " +
                                            "1. adjust FE JVM config, " +
                                            "2. try query again, " +
                                            "3. enlarge new_planner_optimize_timeout session variable",
    OptimizerTask task = tasks.pop();
    // 任务开始执行

Stack 结构先进后出,利用此特性可以Top-Down 遍历,看图感受下(数字表示group id)

  • 左边是第一次执行 OptimizeGroupTask 后,压入OptimizeExpressionTask(2&3) 任务
  • 中间是弹出OptimizeExpressionTask(2&3) 并执行,生成5个ApplyRuleTask、1个DeriveStatsTask、2个ExploreGroupTask
  • 右边是弹出最后压栈的 Explore(group2) 并执行,生成OptimizeExpressionTask(group2) 压栈
  • 继续执行的话,执行OptimizeExpressionTask(group2) 并压入ApplyRuleTaskDeriveStatsTaskExploreGroupTask



  • OptimizeGroupTask -> rootGroup 起始
    • OptimizeExpressionTask 优化Group 内的所有Logical Expression
    • EnforceAndCostTask 计算Group 内所有Physical Expression Cost
  • OptimizeExpressionTask
    • ApplyRuleTask 将Rule 应用到 GroupExpression 进行Expression 变换(logical->logical or logical->physical)
    • DeriveStatsTask 收集统计信息
    • ExploreGroupTask 探索当前GroupExpression 的input Group
    • ExploreGroupTask 和DeriveStatsTask 顺序 执行有讲究的,这样保证执行DeriveStatsTask 时,子group 都已执行DeriveStatsTask
  • DeriveStatsTask 收集统计信息(保证子group 已执行该task),这个task 逻辑最简单
  • ExploreGroupTask 会调用 OptimizeExpressionTask 来优化,isExplore=true
  • ApplyRuleTask 将Rule 应用到 GroupExpression,可能会生成新的Expression
    • 生成logical Expression:调用 OptimizeExpressionTask 继续优化新生成的Expression
    • 生成physical Expression:调用EnforceAndCostTask 计算Expression Cost
  • EnforceAndCostTask:计算当前Expression Cost = localCost + inputCost
    • 深度优先input cost
    • 如何计算input cost? 调用OptimizeGroupTask


深度优先的递归进行logical 变换,并获取所有groupExpression Stats

Root 物理节点开始计算cost,深度优先递归child cost


结合Memo 变化从另一个角度来理解下

  • 第一幅是memo.init 调用后,将OptExpression 拷贝到memo
  • 第二幅是group2 ApplyRuleTask 生成新的LogicalExpression(交换律)
  • 执行到第三幅之前,“深度优先的递归将logical变换,并获取所有groupExpression Stats” 已全部执行
  • 第三幅是执行Apply(IMP_JOIN_TO_NESTLOOP_JOIN) 生成新的“PhysicalNestLoopJoin 2&3”,并开始调用EnforceAndCostTask
  • 第四幅是执行EnforceAndCostTask 时,计算input cost
    • OptimizeGroupTask -> OptimizeExpressionTask -> ApplyRuleTask -> 生成新的PyhsicalExpression

  • 左图:上面第四幅生成新的PyhsicalExpression,紧接着要EnforceAndCostTask;同理会计算 input cost,就又会生成新的PhysicalExpression
  • 中间图:
    • 左图”PhysicalNestLoopJoin(0&1)” input cost 计算结束后,会继续Apply(IMP_JOIN_TO_NESTLOOP_JOIN) 生成”PhysicalNestLoopJoin(1&0)” (为啥input cost 都结束了这里才计算,因为Stack 特性)
    • 同理计算完”PhysicalNestLoopJoin(1&0)”后,会继续上面第四幅计算input cost => 之前所有都是在计算 input1,现在计算input2(join操作有两个input);生成新的PyhsicalExpression
  • 右图:
    • 到这里之前,上图第四幅计算input cost 全部结束,”PhysicalNestLoopJoin 2&3” 的Cost 值生成(从Top-Down)
    • Group4 Apply(TF_JOIN_COMMUTATIVITY 生成新的LogicalExpression

上面右图生成新的LogicalExpression 后,

OptimizeExpressionTask -> ApplyRuleTask -> 新的PhysicalExpression(PhysicalNestLoopJoin 3&2)

然后开始新一轮的EnforceAndCostTask,与之前不同的是,input cost 都已经计算过了,无需再递归计算。

  1. 在初始时只有basic groups,每个group中一个initial logical m-expr,和AST中的expr 一一对应
  2. 开始对root group执行OptimizeGroupTask,其中会对唯一的m-expr调用OptimizeExpressionTask,生成logical/physical m-exprs
  3. 新生成的logical m-expr 会继续优化导致一系列m-expr 的生成,从而在已有group 中扩展新的m-expr 或在memo 中加入新的group
  4. 新生成的physical m-expr生成EnforceAndCostTask,递归下去得到完成的physical plan,并用其cost更新search context中的cost upper bound,帮助后续pruning。
  5. 优化过程中会不断有physical m-expr 的生成,然后就递归到下层去生成对应的plan/subplan,并得到各个层次上的局部最优解记入lowestCostExpressions/lowestCostTable 中,并返回到上层做汇总,最终回到top group 得到完整physical plan
  6. 最终root group 不再有新的logical / physical m-expr生成时,优化结束


其他几个task 逻辑都不复杂,重点看看EnforceAndCostTask 是如何计算Cost,加深理解。

// com.starrocks.sql.optimizer.task.EnforceAndCostTask
public class EnforceAndCostTask extends OptimizerTask implements Cloneable {
  // localCost + sum of all InputCost entries.
  private double curTotalCost;
  // the local cost of the group expression
  private double localCost;
  // Current stage of enumeration through child groups
  // 当前要计算的child group index
  private int curChildIndex = -1;
  // Indicator of last child group that we waited for optimization
  // task压栈前要计算的childGroup index
  private int prevChildIndex = -1;
  public void execute() {
    // Init costs and get required properties for children

    // 开始计算cost
    for (; curPropertyPairIndex < childrenRequiredPropertiesList.size(); curPropertyPairIndex++) {
        List<PhysicalPropertySet> childrenRequiredProperties =

        // Calculate local cost and update total cost
        if (curChildIndex == 0 && prevChildIndex == -1) {
            localCost = CostModel.calculateCost(groupExpression);
            curTotalCost += localCost;

        for (; curChildIndex < groupExpression.getInputs().size(); curChildIndex++) {
            PhysicalPropertySet childRequiredProperty = childrenRequiredProperties.get(curChildIndex);
            Group childGroup = groupExpression.getInputs().get(curChildIndex);

            // Check whether the child group is already optimized for the property
            // 获取下游Group 中满足property并且cost最小的 groupExpression(如果group 中存在)
            GroupExpression childBestExpr = childGroup.getBestExpression(childRequiredProperty);

            if (childBestExpr == null && prevChildIndex >= curChildIndex) {
                // If there can not find best child expr or push child's OptimizeGroupTask, The child has been
                // pruned because of UpperBound cost prune, and parent task can break here and return
                // prevChildIndex >= curChildIndex,说明child 已经optimize,
                // 但childBestExpr=null,是因为curTotalCost > context.getUpperBoundCost(),下面有分析
                // 代码执行到这里,表示此childGroup下 childRequiredProperty 链路都无效(cost太高)

            // =null 表示child group 未optimzed,现在开始optimize child
            if (childBestExpr == null) {
                // We haven't optimized child group
                prevChildIndex = curChildIndex;
                optimizeChildGroup(childRequiredProperty, childGroup);

            // Get the output properties of children
            PhysicalPropertySet childOutputProperty = childBestExpr.getOutputProperty(childRequiredProperty);
            // Change child required property to child output property
            childrenRequiredProperties.set(curChildIndex, childOutputProperty);

            // check if we can generate one stage agg
            if (!canGenerateOneStageAgg(childBestExpr)) {

            if (!checkBroadcastRowCountLimit(childRequiredProperty, childBestExpr)) {

            // 合计 下游算子的cost => 当前算子的 cost
            curTotalCost += childBestExpr.getCost(childRequiredProperty);
            if (curTotalCost > context.getUpperBoundCost()) {
                // 当前cost 超过规定的cost,表示肯定不是最优解(UpperBoundCost 以有算子链最小的cost)

        // Successfully optimize all child group
        // child group 已全部Optimize
        if (curChildIndex == groupExpression.getInputs().size()) {
            // before we compute the property, here need to make sure that the plan is legal
            ChildOutputPropertyGuarantor childOutputPropertyGuarantor = new ChildOutputPropertyGuarantor(context,
            curTotalCost = childOutputPropertyGuarantor.enforceLegalChildOutputProperty();

            if (curTotalCost > context.getUpperBoundCost()) {
                // cost 大于限定cost,此链路下groupExpression 对应的RequiredProperty 没办法用

            // update current group statistics and re-compute costs
            if (!computeCurrentGroupStatistics()) {
                // child group has been pruned

            // compute the output property
            OutputPropertyDeriver outputPropertyDeriver = new OutputPropertyDeriver(groupExpression,
                    context.getRequiredProperty(), childrenOutputProperties);
            PhysicalPropertySet outputProperty = outputPropertyDeriver.getOutputProperty();
            // important
            // 设置lowestCostExpressions、lowestCostTable,并更新 UpperBoundCost
            recordCostsAndEnforce(outputProperty, childrenRequiredProperties);
        // Reset child idx and total cost
        // 开始计算下一组Properties
        prevChildIndex = -1;
        curChildIndex = 0;
        curTotalCost = 0;
private void optimizeChildGroup(PhysicalPropertySet inputProperty, Group childGroup) {
  pushTask((EnforceAndCostTask) clone());
  // context.getUpperBoundCost() 默认是MAX,随着优化任务改变
  // newUpperBound 下游cost 的上限
  double newUpperBound = context.getUpperBoundCost() - curTotalCost;
  TaskContext taskContext = new TaskContext(context.getOptimizerContext(), inputProperty,
          context.getRequiredColumns(), newUpperBound);
  pushTask(new OptimizeGroupTask(taskContext, childGroup));

Cost = localCost + inputCost => CostModel.calculateCost Cost计算函数

每个physical expr 为起点深度优先,向下查找,首先会扣除它自身的Cost,并根据其上层的property requirement 以及expr 自身的property 特性,形成对其输入group 的physical property 要求,这样就从当前level 1 的(Cost , prop requirement1) 递归到了下层group (level 2),optimization goal变为了 (Cost - l1 Cost, prop requirement2)。

  • initRequiredProperties:获取其输入groupphysical property 要求(Sort/Distribution)
  • 遍历physical property :
    • CostModel.calculateCost(groupExpression) 计算当前Expression 的cost
    • 获取输入group 中满足physical property 且Cost 最小的GroupExpression(BestExpression),若不存在BestExpression
      • 若输入group 已Optimize 后,说明是输入group 满足physical property 的cost 太高( 不满足 < UpperBoundCost,看上面代码直接break),则这条链路到此结束(剪枝)
      • 若输入group 还未Optimize,optimizeChildGroup 开始优化
    • optimizeChildGroup
      • 注意UpperBound 变化 context.getUpperBoundCost() - curTotalCost
      • pushTask((EnforceAndCostTask) clone()) :等input group 计算结束后继续计算当前Cost,理解curChildIndex/prevChildIndex 含义
    • 若成功获取所有input group的 BestExpression,就可以计算当前groupExpression 的Cost,并更新lowestCostExpressions/lowestCostTable
// com.starrocks.sql.optimizer.task.EnforceAndCostTask#recordCostsAndEnforce
private void recordCostsAndEnforce(PhysicalPropertySet outputProperty,
                                  List<PhysicalPropertySet> childrenOutputProperties) {
  // re-calculate local cost and update total cost
  curTotalCost -= localCost;
  localCost = CostModel.calculateCostWithChildrenOutProperty(groupExpression, childrenOutputProperties);
  curTotalCost += localCost;

  // 设置lowestCostExpressions、lowestCostTable
  setSatisfiedPropertyWithCost(outputProperty, childrenOutputProperties);

  // 开始判断当前节点输出properties 与上游节点要求输出properties 是否匹配,是否要Enforce
  PhysicalPropertySet requiredProperty = context.getRequiredProperty();
  recordPlanEnumInfo(groupExpression, outputProperty, childrenOutputProperties);
  // Enforce property if outputProperty doesn't satisfy context requiredProperty
  if (!outputProperty.isSatisfy(requiredProperty)) {
      // Enforce the property to meet the required property
      // Properties 不匹配,要Enforce,那么Cost 也要重新计算(新加了Enforce 节点)
      PhysicalPropertySet enforcedProperty = enforceProperty(outputProperty, requiredProperty);

      // enforcedProperty is superset of requiredProperty
      if (!enforcedProperty.equals(requiredProperty)) {  // 如果enforced 和require完全相等,没必要再重写添加一次,enforceProperty已经操作过了
          setPropertyWithCost(groupExpression.getGroup().getBestExpression(enforcedProperty), enforcedProperty,
                  requiredProperty, Lists.newArrayList(outputProperty));
  } else {
      // outputProperty is superset of requiredProperty
      if (!outputProperty.equals(requiredProperty)) { // 如果ouput 和require完全相等,没必要再重写添加一次,上面已经操作过了
          setPropertyWithCost(groupExpression, outputProperty, requiredProperty, childrenOutputProperties);

  if (curTotalCost < context.getUpperBoundCost()) {
      // update context upperbound cost


对每个physical expr 来说,如果所属group的optimization goal 中的property requirement 可以被expr 本身输出的物理属性所满足,则可以直接应用该expr,否则需要加入enforcer 来强制目标属性

假设 A(any, any) ->B(sort, any) ,A作为B的input group 是property 不满足的,缺少sort。那么在A和B之间要加Enforce 来重新匹配

A(any, any) -> Enforce(sort, any) -> B(sort, any)

多了Enforce,Cost 自然增加。

// com.starrocks.sql.optimizer.task.EnforceAndCostTask#enforceProperty
// 为了output 满足require,增加 Enforce节点
// 如果DistributionProperty 满足,且OrderProperty 不为空,则需要enforceSortAndDistribute
// 为什么?看下面注释
private PhysicalPropertySet enforceProperty(PhysicalPropertySet outputProperty,
                                          PhysicalPropertySet requiredProperty) {
  boolean satisfyOrderProperty =
  boolean satisfyDistributionProperty =

  PhysicalPropertySet enforcedProperty = null;
  if (!satisfyDistributionProperty && satisfyOrderProperty) {
      if (requiredProperty.getSortProperty().isEmpty()) {
          enforcedProperty = enforceDistribute(outputProperty);
      } else {
            * The sorting attribute does not make sense when the sort property is not empty,
            * because after the data is redistributed, the original order requirements cannot be guaranteed.
            * So we need to enforce "SortNode" here
            * Because we build a parent-child relationship based on property.
            * So here we hack to eliminate the original property to prevent an endless loop
            * eg: [order by v1, gather] -> [order by v1, shuffle] -> [order by v1, shuffle] may endless loop,
            * because repartition require sort again
          PhysicalPropertySet newProperty =
                  new PhysicalPropertySet(DistributionProperty.EMPTY, SortProperty.EMPTY,
          groupExpression.getGroup().replaceBestExpressionProperty(outputProperty, newProperty,
          enforcedProperty = enforceSortAndDistribute(newProperty, requiredProperty);
  } else if (satisfyDistributionProperty && !satisfyOrderProperty) {
      enforcedProperty = enforceSort(outputProperty);
  } else if (!satisfyDistributionProperty) {
      enforcedProperty = enforceSortAndDistribute(outputProperty, requiredProperty);
  return enforcedProperty;

private PhysicalPropertySet enforceDistribute(PhysicalPropertySet oldOutputProperty) {
  PhysicalPropertySet newOutputProperty = oldOutputProperty.copy();
  // 增加enforce Expression => PhysicalDistributionOperator
  GroupExpression enforcer =
  // 更新cost
  updateCostWithEnforcer(enforcer, oldOutputProperty, newOutputProperty);
  recordPlanEnumInfo(enforcer, newOutputProperty, Lists.newArrayList(oldOutputProperty));

  return newOutputProperty;


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